A Grassroots Victory

Deedra AbboudBlog1 Comment

Sometimes it feels like an endless uphill battle, a struggle against big business and government business as usual.

But this week we’ve lodged a victory in a major fight.

When the GOP leadership finally revealed its terrifying healthcare plan, the BCRA, bipartisan experts reacted in shock and horror, and the CBO announced that a dizzying 22 million Americans would lose coverage. Regardless, the GOP was grimly resolved to move forward with their plan and scheduled the vote for this week.

But because of your endless phone calls, emails, faxes, and rallies, because of the stories you shared and the fears you expressed, the GOP leadership had to beat a hasty retreat and scrambled last second to delay the vote.

This is huge.

It’s yet another crushing blow to this Administration’s agenda and a victory for the people.

We are not out of the woods yet. We have seen this before, initial opposition from certain members of Congress that suddenly disappears when the vote is called.  We will need to double and triple our efforts to make sure our voices continue to be heard.

But this is what it means to have real grassroots power. This is what it means to have a say.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of your efforts.

One Comment on “A Grassroots Victory”

  1. I find your stance on health issues is woefully wrong. Find a way to get the insurance industry to offer insurance plans that are compatible with price and caters to the needs of the people. Make people pay for their own birth control, you need to have people show some responsibility for themselves.As for reproductive Rights, yes you have a right to reproduce, but not at the people’s expense, pay for your own proclivities. I’m I’m not sure you will read this, but I’m not an unfair man, and even when I am not in agreement with someone albeit religious, political, or anything else, I refuse to be intolerant or as some say, a myriad of phobic ideas, racist, etc. I do have a credo of your beliefs are yours, I will not tolerate the hate of people, but if I don’t like the stance or position, I practice a policy of silence and distance. I’m able to turn my back, along with the other cheek. I’m not afraid to fight, but would like to not have to show ire. If you care to respond, I am amenable to hearing from you.

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